FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC 다운로드

FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

FruitsLand: Carnival Escape

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    FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC에서 플레이하기

모바일 게임을 좋아하십니까? 작은 핸드폰 화면, 배터리, 발열 이슈로 고민하지 말고 이제 미뮤 앱플레이어로 PC에서 제한없이 모바일 게임을 즐겨보세요! 미뮤 앱플레이어에서 키보드와 마우스를 사용하여 잠자고 있든 프로게이머의 잠재력을 깨워보세요. 컴퓨터에서 다운로드 하시고 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 설치하세요. 배터리 걱정, 발열 걱정 필요없이 마음껏 즐길수 있습니다; 미뮤 멀티로 무장하여 모바일 게임을 한층 더 재미있게 플레이할 수 있습니다!


FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC 버전 게임 정보

PC에서 미뮤로 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 다운로드 하시고 큰 화면으로 플레이 즐기자 Welcome to Fruitsland – a unique amusement park where fun awaits at every turn!

게임 정보

Welcome to Fruitsland – a unique amusement park where fun awaits at every turn! Colorful carousels, exciting rides, and entertainers dressed as fruits – apples, bananas, watermelons, and oranges – fill the park. Children’s laughter fills the air, as school groups with teachers and families with kids flock to enjoy the day. Everything seems perfect, but not all is as it seems... One careless step, and you fall through an old hatch, landing in a spooky, long-abandoned part of the park hidden underground.

Before you lies a chilling, forgotten underground park where strange scientific experiments were once conducted. Only remnants of these experiments remain now, with crumbling rides and deserted game rooms that carry no joy. An eerie silence surrounds you, broken only by the sounds of old machinery and the shuffling of mysterious creatures. The first location is themed around apples – at first, it seems harmless, but soon you realize you’re trapped. As you study the remnants of the scientists’ journals, you uncover their plans to bring fruit to life, fruit that would entertain visitors around the clock. The sinister plan of the park’s owner aimed to turn fruits into real entertainers, capable of anything to amuse guests.

Your mission now is to escape from this underground horror. Every step brings new puzzles, challenging tasks, and deadly monsters that lurk around every corner, the results of failed experiments. Surviving here won’t be easy: these animated fruits have come to life, and now they’re hunting you. Every corner is a new survival test filled with horror, fear, and adrenaline. Choose your path wisely, solve puzzles to find your way out, and avoid deadly traps and monsters that only look like harmless fruits.

The first monster you will encounter is a blind apple, a nightmare resembling a zombie. It aimlessly roams the empty sections of the park, filling everyone who sees it with dread.

The second section is dedicated to the banana. This is the second colorful monster brought to life by horrifying experiments. Seeing it makes you feel as if something is invading your mind.

The third section of the underground park is dedicated to the Pomegranate — a sinister fruit with two large eyes. These roaming eyes not only track unwelcome guests but also attack them. They emerge from their sockets and move independently, chasing their target across the area.

Can you escape from this park and see the sunlight again? Will you find a way to break free from the gloomy underground? This horror game is for those ready for survival, monster hunts, immersion in fear, and adrenaline! Complete quests, solve puzzles, defeat monsters, and find freedom while uncovering the mysteries of Fruitsland.

Download this game to dive into the fruit garden… if you dare!


PC에서 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 즐겨보세요.

  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

    1. 설치 프로그램 다운로드 하시고 설치하십시오

  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

    2. 미뮤 실행하고 바탕화면에서 구글 플레이 시작

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    3. 구글 플레이에서 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 검색

  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC Install

    4. FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 다운로드 하시고 설치해 주세요

  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

    5. 아이콘 클릭해 주세요

  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC
    FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC

    6. 미뮤 앱플레이어로 실행

미뮤 앱플레이어를 선택해야 하는 이유?

미뮤 앱플레이어는 무료 안드로이드 에뮬레이터로 5천만명의 유저들에게 최고의 안드로이드 게임 환경을 제공하고 있습니다. 미뮤의 가상화 기술은 수많은 안드로이드 게임을 PC에서 원활하게 구동함과 동시에 최고의 그래픽 퍼포먼스를 느낄수 있습니다.

  • 최상의 그래픽, 큰 스크린, 배터리, 데이터 걱정 완벽하게 해결.

  • 키보드, 마우스 또는 게임패드를 사용하여 쾌적한 게임 플레이가 가능합니다..

  • 미뮤 멀티를 이용하여 여러 개 게임과 앱을 멀티로 사용할 수 있습니다.

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FruitsLand: Carnival Escape - FAQs

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    다음 절차에 따라 PC에서 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape을(를)플레이 할 수 있습니다.

    • 미뮤 PC 앱플레이어를 다운로드하세요.FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 검색하세요.
    • 구글 플레이 스토어 로그인 후 FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 검색하세요.
    • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape 설치 후 실행하여 플레이
  • FruitsLand: Carnival Escape PC 최소 요구 사양?
    • OS: 마이크로소프트 윈도우 7 이상
    • 프로세서: Intel 또는 AMD 프로세서
    • OpenGL 2.0을 탑재한 Windows DirectX 11 / Graphic 드라이버
    • 하드웨어 가상화 기술(Intel VT-x/AMD-V)을 사용하도록 설정
    • 2GB RAM(x64 시스템의 경우 4GB) 이상
    • 5GB의 하드 디스크 여유 공간
    • HDD: 5GB의 여유 디스크 공간.