Garena Free Fire PC
Garena Free Fire PC

Garena Free Fire PC 다운로드

Garena Free Fire PC

Garena Free Fire

  • 업데이트 날짜

  • 현재 버전

    1.109.1 (2019118105)

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    Garena Free Fire PC

Garena Free Fire PC에서 플레이하기

모바일 게임을 좋아하십니까? 작은 핸드폰 화면, 배터리, 발열 이슈로 고민하지 말고 이제 미뮤 앱플레이어로 PC에서 제한없이 모바일 게임을 즐겨보세요! 미뮤 앱플레이어에서 키보드와 마우스를 사용하여 잠자고 있든 프로게이머의 잠재력을 깨워보세요. 컴퓨터에서 다운로드 하시고 Garena Free Fire 설치하세요. 배터리 걱정, 발열 걱정 필요없이 마음껏 즐길수 있습니다; 미뮤 멀티로 무장하여 모바일 게임을 한층 더 재미있게 플레이할 수 있습니다!


Garena Free Fire PC 버전 게임 정보

PC에서 미뮤로 Garena Free Fire:광란과 폭동 다운로드 하시고 큰 화면으로 플레이 즐기자 [Winterlands: Aurora].

게임 정보

[Winterlands: Aurora]
Bermuda is once again blanketed in snow, especially around the enchanting Clock Tower area. The ground is covered in fluffy snow, and colorful lights twinkle, creating a truly festive atmosphere. If you look up, you might catch a glimpse of vibrant auroras gracefully dancing across the sky. There are also plenty of delightful events to give you an immersive experience.

[Frosty Track]
During the Winterlands, a network of icy tracks has been laid out in Bermuda. You can glide along them for quick travel and exciting sliding battles!

[New Character]
Koda is from the polar regions, where his family has brought technology and progress to the area. His signature fox mask helps him connect with the forces of nature. During combat, Koda can locate enemies behind cover and swiftly chase them down.

Free Fire is a world-famous survival shooter game available on mobile. Each 10-minute game places you on a remote island where you are pit against 49 other players, all seeking survival. Players freely choose their starting point with their parachute, and aim to stay in the safe zone for as long as possible. Drive vehicles to explore the vast map, hide in the wild, or become invisible by proning under grass or rifts. Ambush, snipe, survive, there is only one goal: to survive and answer the call of duty.

Free Fire, Battle In Style!

[Survival shooter in its original form]
Search for weapons, stay in the play zone, loot your enemies and become the last man standing. Along the way, go for legendary airdrops while avoiding airstrikes to gain that little edge against other players.

[10 minutes, 50 players, epic survival goodness awaits]
Fast and Lite gameplay - Within 10 minutes, a new survivor will emerge. Will you go beyond the call of duty and be the one under the shining lite?

[4-man squad, with in-game voice chat]
Create squads of up to 4 players and establish communication with your squad at the very first moment. Answer the call of duty and lead your friends to victory and be the last team standing at the apex.

[Clash Squad]
A fast paced 4v4 game mode! Manage your economy, purchase weapons, and defeat the enemy squad!

[Realistic and smooth graphics]
Easy to use controls and smooth graphics promises the optimum survival experience you will find on mobile to help you immortalize your name among the legends.

[Contact us]
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미뮤 앱플레이어는 무료 안드로이드 에뮬레이터로 5천만명의 유저들에게 최고의 안드로이드 게임 환경을 제공하고 있습니다. 미뮤의 가상화 기술은 수많은 안드로이드 게임을 PC에서 원활하게 구동함과 동시에 최고의 그래픽 퍼포먼스를 느낄수 있습니다.

  • 최상의 그래픽, 큰 스크린, 배터리, 데이터 걱정 완벽하게 해결.

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    • 미뮤 PC 앱플레이어를 다운로드하세요.Garena Free Fire 검색하세요.
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    • Garena Free Fire 설치 후 실행하여 플레이
  • Garena Free Fire PC 최소 요구 사양?
    • OS: 마이크로소프트 윈도우 7 이상
    • 프로세서: Intel 또는 AMD 프로세서
    • OpenGL 2.0을 탑재한 Windows DirectX 11 / Graphic 드라이버
    • 하드웨어 가상화 기술(Intel VT-x/AMD-V)을 사용하도록 설정
    • 2GB RAM(x64 시스템의 경우 4GB) 이상
    • 5GB의 하드 디스크 여유 공간
    • HDD: 5GB의 여유 디스크 공간.