Homeworld 3 PC

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Homeworld 3 PC

Homeworld 3

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    Homeworld 3 PC

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모바일 게임을 좋아하십니까? 작은 핸드폰 화면, 배터리, 발열 이슈로 고민하지 말고 이제 미뮤 앱플레이어로 PC에서 제한없이 모바일 게임을 즐겨보세요! 미뮤 앱플레이어에서 키보드와 마우스를 사용하여 잠자고 있든 프로게이머의 잠재력을 깨워보세요. 컴퓨터에서 다운로드 하시고 Homeworld 3 설치하세요. 배터리 걱정, 발열 걱정 필요없이 마음껏 즐길수 있습니다; 미뮤 멀티로 무장하여 모바일 게임을 한층 더 재미있게 플레이할 수 있습니다!


Homeworld 3 PC 버전 게임 정보

PC에서 미뮤로 Homeworld 3 다운로드 하시고 큰 화면으로 플레이 즐기자 Reviving the splendor of strategic combat, the enthralling beauty, and unparalleled originality of the Science-Fiction Real-Time Strategy genre, the Game of The Year (GOTY) honoree, Homeworld 3, emerges anew.

게임 정보

Reviving the splendor of strategic combat, the enthralling beauty, and unparalleled originality of the Science-Fiction Real-Time Strategy genre, the Game of The Year (GOTY) honoree, Homeworld 3, emerges anew. Step into the admiral’s role and navigate the convoluted theaters of interstellar war. Engage in fleet battles set against the vastness of three-dimensional space, where an internationally acclaimed narrative unravels across the expanse of the cosmos. Engagement on the Battlefield: In Homeworld 3, the reins of strategic autonomy are placed firmly in your hands. Gigantic relics of space, known as megaliths, rise from the cosmos's expanse to redefine the 3D battlespaces iconic to the Homeworld series. These remnants of a bygone era serve dual purposes—tools for tactical genius or shields against formidable adversaries. Employ these structures to orchestrate devastating traps or cloak your fleet in the shadow of oblivion. Imposing fortifications bristling with guns beckon your nimble strike crafts to dive into perilous gorges that run deep into the heart of enemy empires. However, unpredictable cosmic events, like perilous particle tempests and peril-strewn asteroid fields, lie in wait to challenge the mettle of even the most experienced fleet commanders. Conflict comes in multiple dimensions—assail your adversaries head-on, from flanking positions, or by commanding the battle from above and below. The sophisticated ballistics simulation in Homeworld 3 requires you to consider lines of sight and protective cover with the utmost strategic consideration. The fates of your vessels carry over through your campaign—the scars of battle marking their hulls, veterans of skirmishes past. These scars tell tales, as fighter pilots and capital ship captains exchange pivotal battlefront intelligence through the chaos of war comms. Artistic Vision: The iconic visual presentation of Homeworld transcends time, taking advantage of contemporary technological advancements. It magnifies the grandeur of scale, the art of destruction, and the sheer awe of the battlefield. Watch as squadrons of strike crafts glide in perfect sync beside monolithic battlecruisers, set to the cosmic ballet of stars and nebulae sweeping in the background. Classic designs of vessels cast imposing shadows over the ruins of archaic alien empires, their tales lost to time, while cataclysmic explosions dance across fleet hulls, heralding the ascendance of one power over another. Narrative Continuity: The continuation of Homeworld's celebrated narrative is set into motion. Following the events of Homeworld 2, the galaxy experienced an unprecedented era of prosperity courtesy of the Hyperspace Gate Network. But as history unveils, times of affluence and conflict ebb and flow like cosmic tides. Now, a calamity besieges this network of gates, and Karan S'jet, elevated to a figure of myth and spiritual reverence, becomes central to the unraveling of this cosmic enigma that threatens the fate of entire civilizations. Modding Community & Tools: Homeworld 3 opens up new horizons with its comprehensive modding tools, ushering in a renaissance of player creativity. Using the robust Unreal game editor, enthusiasts have the power to mold breathtaking maps peppered with megaliths or to engineer overhauls of starships down to the rivets. For those who prefer to experience creativity rather than make it, the integration with in-game mod.io provides seamless access to a universe of player-generated content, all available without the complexities typically associated with mod installations. Join a global community in shaping the future of Homeworld 3, one mod at a time.


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미뮤 앱플레이어는 무료 안드로이드 에뮬레이터로 5천만명의 유저들에게 최고의 안드로이드 게임 환경을 제공하고 있습니다. 미뮤의 가상화 기술은 수많은 안드로이드 게임을 PC에서 원활하게 구동함과 동시에 최고의 그래픽 퍼포먼스를 느낄수 있습니다.

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Homeworld 3 - FAQs

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    다음 절차에 따라 PC에서 Homeworld 3을(를)플레이 할 수 있습니다.

    • 미뮤 PC 앱플레이어를 다운로드하세요.Homeworld 3 검색하세요.
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    • Homeworld 3 설치 후 실행하여 플레이
  • Homeworld 3 PC 최소 요구 사양?
    • OS: 마이크로소프트 윈도우 7 이상
    • 프로세서: Intel 또는 AMD 프로세서
    • OpenGL 2.0을 탑재한 Windows DirectX 11 / Graphic 드라이버
    • 하드웨어 가상화 기술(Intel VT-x/AMD-V)을 사용하도록 설정
    • 2GB RAM(x64 시스템의 경우 4GB) 이상
    • 5GB의 하드 디스크 여유 공간
    • HDD: 5GB의 여유 디스크 공간.